Friday, 17. August 2007

I got mail. From Heidi.
She is the Finnish girl I got to know in Cambridge.

So the point is that I am really happy about her mail, because...

1) We stay in contact. I would like to stay in contact with all people I like. But with some this is rather difficult......

2)News! I was really interested in some of the news she had to tell me and I am really looking forward to her next letter, when she tells me more about the recent developments.

3) I have to write back! Yes, it took me some time, but today I wrote an answer, I only have to get a stamp and that should not be too difficult as I am living next to a post office.

3a) I am absolutely bored at work and cannot manage to study 8 hours at once..... So writing the answer helped to spend one hour at work that was not too boring......

Last but not least:
I had a good lunch. Soaked though (it started pouring with rain on the way to the canteen), but the food was nice and the company, too.

And today is the last day on this workplace. Next week I am on vacation (theoretically...... studying for intermediate exams is not really holidays......) and after that there is some studying time with my fellows from the other courses........ After that the final year starts and I do not know if I would prefer being bored at work in future.....

Anyway..... I should start writing to other people....... Via email, this time!

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